Sugar grain size measurement
Why is it important to measure the grain size of sugar?
Sugar is available on the market in many different qualities and grain sizes. The sugar grains are formed in a process called crystallization. This crystallization process produces sugar crystals of various grain sizes - usually in the range 0.1... 2.0 mm.
Consumers, however have a specific requirement for the sugar grain size. In order to meet this requirement, the sugar crystals are separated into their different fractions by sieving and stored in separate silos. The individual fractions can then be mixed systematically to produce a specific grade of sugar according to consumer specification.
It is important to monitor the sugar grain sizes throughout the entire process. Reliable grain size analysis of the sugar ensures that the sieving process is effective and that the quality of the end product meets the customer's requirements.
How is the sugar grain size measured?
The grain size analysis of sugar can be carried out directly in the process with the DYNAsize inline measuring system.
No sampling is required for the grain size measurement with DYNAsize; the device is installed in the material flow and measures the grain size as the sugar falls through the sensing area. This is based on an optical process where the sugar grain size is determined using LEDs. The grain size measurement is continuously updated and always reflects the current grain size distribution.
Advantages of the sugar grain size measurement with DYNAsize
The inline technology for determining the grain size of sugar ensures transparency in the production process.
- Screen breakage and screen overflow are detected immediately
- Screening systems can be controlled in a targeted manner
For quality assurance, the inline measurement of sugar grain is more representative compared to the lab measurement, where a relatively small sugar sample is analyzed.
- Errors due to sampling are eliminated
- A large volume of sugar is measured
- Representative analysis
- Direct measurement without loss of time
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